
My name is Tom and I’m a scooter fan.

Why Scooter Scouter

Several years ago I got into websites and looked at purchasing a site that was related to things I’m in to. I have always been in to electric vehicles but couldn’t find anything good related to that. I decided to choose scooters because they seem to be everywhere and growing.

So, I bought this site then I started to dive in a learn about the scooter life. I can now proudly say that I’m pretty decent at hoverboarding and I do hop on an electric scooter whenever I can.

What to do from here

This site has a lot of good information. I recommend looking at the reviews first and then browsing around the comments. Most of the pages link out to amazon so you can make a purchase or continue your scouting for the best scooter.

I generally like electric scooters but I have reviewed manual as well as gas scooters.

My process for reviewing new scooters has changed over time. At first there were several reviews already on the site that I just found some more detail on and updated. Then I started to buy the scooters and write more detailed information for potential buyers.

If there is anything you see on the site that needs to be updated or is not clear please drop a comment on that page and I will address it.

How do I fund this site?

I make money when you purchase something from amazon after clicking through my link. This isn’t any extra cost to you. I just think of it as a referral fee from amazon because I helped them get a new customer.

But I am not biased. You can read about the scooters here and then go to google and search for more information if you like.

I know its not easy to find the right scooter and I hope my little corner of the interwebs can help you. You also might see advertisements on the site, those to bring in a few pennies.